Monday Night War

The actual last golden era of professional wrestling where the nWo run roughshod over World Championship Wrestling. The Wolfpac, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sting rappelling from the rafters!

Full Magazine Scans: WCW Magazine (GERMANY) [January 1996]

Believe it or not, this is Alex Wright's FIRST cover for the German WCW Magazine!

Bobby “The Brain” Heenan [1944 – 2017]

5 We recently lost Bobby "The Brain" Heenan at the age of 72, a man who was nothing less than an absolute legend. The Tampa...

WCW eBay Find of the Day: Goldberg Championship by Rey Rey Championship Belts

BILL GOLDBERG CHAMPIONSHIP BELT WWE WCW BUY IT NOW - $1499.99 A very nice custom championship that was seemingly presented to Bill last summer during his...

Magazine Quickie: Weekly Gong [September 24th, 1998]

A brief look at the nWo Japan article from a Japanese wrestling mag I got through a trading group on Facebook. Don't have a...

This Day in WCW History: WCW World War 3 1998 Took Place in Auburn...

These were always some of my favorite PPVs due to how absolutely ridiculous they were. We all knew that only the main event players...

Top 10 Moments of Jeff Jarrett’s WCW Career

Hell has frozen over once again here in the world of professional wrestling. On February 19th, 2018, after nearly two decades of being persona non...

Photos: My WrestleMania Experience and Shots of WCW Gear from Axxess

I've been real reluctant to sit down and write out my experiences from WrestleMania. Attending the show live was amazing but due to being...

Weird Merch: The nWo Legacy Championship by Squared Circle Belts

A real oddball championship title that I came across online through following BeltFanDan from BeltTalk over on Twitter. Not only is this custom, nWo...

WCW Uncensored 1997: Sting Plays His Cards

Sting makes his decision, the war is on.

Full Magazine Scans: WCW Magazine #50 [May 1999]

The Man, The Myth, The Legend... The Sting-Man! This magazine took me an ungodly amount of time, these 1999 ones from the summer are so...