Back in March, I posted a YouTube Update highlighting the hundreds of mid 1980s matches from NWA Worldwide / Pro I had available. At the time, I figured that was as far back as my NWA timeline would go.
That was until June when I went on a binge posting Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling action from late 1981 – late 1982 (78 videos in all in this playlist).
Taped from the studios of WPCQ-TV in Charlotte, North Carolina, the fifty or so lucky fans in attendance were treated to memories that many older fans would consider priceless.
Similar to my write up on the mid 1980s Crockett videos, I’m not going to list every match posted, but I do want to highlight certain videos that I would consider easy and entertaining watches.
The Cobra Clutch Challenge pitting Sgt Slaughter vs Blackjack Mulligan Jr (Barry Windham)
NWA Champion Ric Flair taking on Jay Youngblood
Jack Brisco taking on Don Muraco
Jake Roberts in a rare match against Roddy Piper
Roddy Piper demanding $10,000 . . . before taking on Jack Brisco for the Mid Atlantic Title
A Grumpy Old Men prequel pitting Wahoo McDaniel against Gene Anderson
Two former NWA Champions squaring off when Jack Brisco met Dory Funk Jr
A not yet Ravishing Rick Rude with his hands full taking on Greg Valentine
By no means does this indicate the other links aren’t worth checking out but if the above videos scratch you where you itch, then I would highly recommend cracking open a beer and firing up this playlist after a long day at work.
I mean how charming is this . . .

A Gorilla Monsoon mark who has a YouTube channel that ironically features more WCW matches than WWF ones. @Monsoon_Classic