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WWE 2K24: WCW Pack DLC Releases This Week

The final batch of DLC for the latest WWE focuses on World Championship Wrestling!

Full Magazine Scans: WCW Magazine #58 [February 2000]

Sid. Sid! SID!! Sid Vicious is the master and ruler of the world, and this issue has a great in-depth look at what makes the man with...

WCW Starrcade ’97 20th Anniversary Retrospective: nWo Monday Nitro [December 22, 1997]

May 27, 1996. The day professional wrestling and sports entertainment changed forever. In the middle of a normal broadcast of WCW Monday Nitro, during a...

The Descent of a Vigilante

Steve Borden has had perhaps the most fascinating career in the history of professional wrestling. Spanning thirty years, The Stinger has seen and done...

WCW Mayhem: A State of Transition [1999]

It is October 1999. At this point, the World Wrestling Federation has had a firm grip on the #1 position in wrestling television ratings...

It’s Official! Diamond Dallas Page to be Inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame!!

The master of the Diamond Cutter, the King of Bada-Bing will be part of the 2017 inductees for the WWE Hall of Fame. Diamond Dallas...

Complete Collection of WCW/nWo Valentine’s Day Cards! [1998-2000]

A majority of people reading this post probably have fond memories of cutting out and setting up cheapy Valentine's Day cards for their elementary...

This Day in WCW History: WCW Uncensored Took Place in Mobile, Alabama [1998]

“Rules Are For Fools”, so proclaims Hollywood Hogan’s 24-inch python! Scanning through this card, and I’m almost positive that this was the first World Championship...

This Day in WCW History: WCW World War 3 1998 Took Place in Auburn...

These were always some of my favorite PPVs due to how absolutely ridiculous they were. We all knew that only the main event players...

This Day in WCW History: WCW Halloween Havoc 1997 Took Place in Las Vegas,...

A PPV event that was headlined by Rowdy Piper vs Hollywood Hogan inside a steel cage but was easily outclassed in every way by...