Since launching the official WCW Worldwide Patreon page last month, I’ve managed to beef up the security of this WordPress along with commissioning some unique rewards for those who pledge their hard earned $$$ to the cause. For a while there, people kept asking me about the different reward tiers and what they would get in return. I avoided answering directly because I only had a general idea of what I wanted to put together and still was working at making my rough draft an actual reality.
At this point, there’s no more speculation anymore. All those who have supported me in the first month have had all their prizes shipped to them, and now it’s time for all of you to see exactly what is up for grabs!

Pledging $1 for the HANDSOME STRANGER tier gets you digital rewards:
- Full access to Patreon-only posts
- Early downloads for magazine scans
- Patreon exclusive downloads (NASH comic book, WCW Slam Jam Vol. 1, so far…)
Pledging $5 for the AMERICAN MALE tier gets an actual physical reward sent out to you, the WCW Prize Pack #1:
- Everything in the HANDSOME STRANGERÂ Reward Tier
- WCW Worldwide Vinyl Bumper sticker
- 4 Random Championship Marketing WCW Trading Cards [1991]
- 4 Random Panini WCW/nWo Superstars Photocards [1998]
- WCW Ring Magnet
Pledging $10 for the VICIOUS & DELICIOUS tier also gets an actual physical reward sent out to you, the beefier WCW Prize Pack #2:
- Everything in the HANDSOME STRANGER Reward Tier
- WCW Worldwide Vinyl Bumper Sticker
- 5 Random Championship Marketing WCW Trading Cards [1991]
- 5 Random Panini WCW/nWo Superstars Photocards [1998]
- 2 Unopened Packs of Impel WCW Trading Cards [1991]
- WCW Ring Magnet
- WCW Logo Enamel Pin (via Stashpages)
Pledging $20 for the ultimate BUFF DADDY tier gifts you the WCW Worldwide Gimmick Box:
- Everything in the HANDSOME STRANGERÂ Reward Tier
- WCW Worldwide Vinyl Bumper Sticker
- 1 Unopened Championship Marketing WCW Trading Card Pack [1991]
- 1 Unopened Impel WCW Trading Card Pack [1991]
- 1 Unopened Topps WCW/nWo Nitro Trading Card Pack [1998]
- 1 Unopened Panini WCW/nWo Superstars Photocards Pack [1998]
- Full Set of WCW/nWo Stickers [1998]
- WCW Monday Nitro Format Sheet [October 5th, 1998]
- WCW Ring Magnet
- WCW Wrestling NES Box Art Magnet
- WCW/nWo Revenge N64 Box Art Magnet
- 3 WCW SuperBrawl Poster Magnets
- Random Galoob WCW Figure [1991]
- Random Issue of WCW Magazine
- WCW Logo Enamel Pin (via Stashpages)
- Four WCW Wrestler Art Vinyl Stickers (via Redneck Kungfu)
- WCW Main Event Game Boy Cart Lime Soap (via NerdySoap)
On top of all of that, FIVE of the TWENTY-FIVE Gimmick Boxes I’ve prepped have a signed Buff Bagwell WCW promo pic inside:

I only prepped twenty-five of these things on the first go round, meaning that there’s only TEN boxes left for people to grab!

Thank you to all who are helping out with the site through your $$$, it’s helped immensely. I hope to continue doing odd one-off Gimmick Boxes for everyone — I just hope that I didn’t set the bar too high for my first crack at it. Â I mean, WCW Game Boy soap!? Which other wrestling loot crate would even think of that!?
Get yours while you can!
– Bryan

40-year-old World Championship Wrestling fanatic/collector/hoarder. Safety officer by day, scanner of wrestling magazine by night.
He’s got posters on the wall, his favorite rock group’s KISS.
Had no idea admin was a KISS fan. Probably still pissed like me at the horrible booking for the poor demon haha. I remember being jacked that my 2 favorite worlds were colliding at the time.
HUGE fan. WCW was the reason for me joining the KISS Army, bought ‘Destroyer’ back in 1999 and was hooked.
Right on man. Too Cool. I’ll have to add you sometime we can chat WCW and KISS. Pretty much my 2 favorite things still hahaha.
Must’ve been hard to avoid calling the biggest one “The Total Package”
*realizes he made a huge mistake*
No… I’m… fine… with what I went with.
Well it wouldn’t have worked with the Buff Bagwell motif anyways.
Got mine Friday awesome stuff wish I would have gotten one with bagwell auto but still great box
Jordan Foss
Just signed up!
Alexander Seda
Our favorite logo.
I really want a WCW shirt with that logo on it. I know it’s just a logo they used for the canvas but I always loved it and wanted it on a shirt.
Any of those big boxes left?
Sold out for now, I will restock and make them available again in April/May.
Just wondering if you’ll be doing anymore of the Buff Daddy Level patron boxes ? Just about to sign up as a patron. Keep up the good work !!
Yes! I will have to restock! Might do just one more twenty-five box run with them. Don’t know how many of these items I can restock again and again…
Bryon Jende it’s got a Buff Bagwell theme haha
I wish I could afford it but I can’t
Any of the $20 boxes left? I’ll grab one in the morning if so.
Sorry — all out!
I will restock! Give me some time, it will return.