As many of you know, today is Austin 3:16 day. Searching through my archive, I didn’t have any Stunning Steve Austin matches that took place on 3/16, but it’s an occasion to be celebrated with a landmark match anyway.
Above is a bout that took place just several weeks after Steve Austin’s WCW debut. On the June 29th, 1991 edition of WCW Worldwide Wrestling, he received a shot at the TV Title against champion Bobby Eaton. On this day, Austin would need help from his valet Lady Blossom (“Her chest blossoms out of her top” said Dusty Rhodes in giving Jeannie Clark her ring name) to win the championship.
Tony Schiavone and Gordon Solie call the match and keep an eye out for a very special cameo at the end of the video.

A Gorilla Monsoon mark who has a YouTube channel that ironically features more WCW matches than WWF ones. @Monsoon_Classic