I’ve decided to make things even harder for myself and enter into the ruthless arena of YouTube Wrestling Commentaries.
What this is: The goal of this series is to take the forgotten bits of wrestling’s past and introduce them to the unfamiliar or, perhaps, reintroduce them to older fans like me.
What this is not: I’m not looking to be another “LOL WCW sucked” Internet Expert.™ Some things are pushed into obscurity due to their being awful. Some things fade away because wrestling is a never-ending narrative with no off-season. In the case of the WCW Cruiserweight Tag belts, it’s because the first champions were crowned eight days before the demise of the company. While not particularly fair, I’d say that’s a pretty good reason.
**Technical disclaimers** I know having a max resolution of 480p in 2017 is heresy. Episode 2 will be better. If the audio is too low for you, there’s this re-upload, a link to which is also in the video.

Lifelong WCW apologist. Didn’t watch wrestling for 10 years after the final episode of Nitro. Alex Wright once sent him a message saying, “Thank you very much.” Probably wrote all of his articles while at work.
The cruiserweight tag title tournament introduced us to Air Styles!
Ugly belts lol
kid romeo was sooooo jacked, looked like he was gonna explode at any second
Those titles lasted longer than Roman Lames first WWE Championship reign
Spotted in the latest ep of OSW Review
The WWE should have used this division. Then again, they would have treated it like garbage.
Oh yes, 4 tag teams, 3 title changes. Guess which legendary wrestler did NOT hold that belt?
If you guessed AJ Styles, ypu are correct.
Mike Dale
Pretty sure Kidman and Mysterio are the current owners of said belts.