It’s time to learn all about the Career-Killing, Fat-Chick-Thrilling, 70s-Guy-Being greatness that was Mike Awesome in WCW.
Someone got a green screen and kiiiiind of knows how to use it. It’s me.
Come get your learn on and get wreducated about the greatness that was Sir Michael Awesome.
Have more superstars lost in the shuffle of the WCW buyout you want to discuss? Get at Andrew on his Turning Heel site or bug him over on Twitter.

Lifelong WCW apologist. Didn’t watch wrestling for 10 years after the final episode of Nitro. Alex Wright once sent him a message saying, “Thank you very much.” Probably wrote all of his articles while at work.
Mullets R Awesome.
I was so hype when he showed up in WCW. What a fool I was.
Same. Never saw his ECW stuff but knew of him.
Guys…Mike Awesome in ECW and FMW was EPIC! You have to see his best stuff there before you die.
Your hype was not misplaced. It’s not your hype’s fault he was misused.
Great wrestler. Was underutilized in WCW. Loved his epic battles with Masato Tanaka in ECW. Sad his life had to tragically end due to suicide.