YouTube Update: The WCW InVasion comes to Metal!


KanyonMorrusHelmsStasiakBetween WrestleMania weekend and my hard drive frying, I haven’t been on the site much lately. Now Mania is over, my computer has returned home, and my most recent YouTube update may pique the interests of the readers of this site.

With WCW Worldwide off syndication as of March of 2001, it seemed that we would never see our favorite stars of Turner’s empire again on the rabbit ears. Those fears were proven unfounded as starting with the July 21st, 2001 edition of Metal, WCW wrestlers invaded the show to take on WWF’s best B-level superstars.

Recently, I posted over a dozen Metal matches featuring the likes of Sting, Ric Flair, Bill Goldberg, . . . just kidding . . . but there are some oddball and interesting matches . . .

WCW Tag Titles – Hardy Boyz (c) vs Chris Kanyon vs Hugh Morrus
WCW US Title – Chris Kanyon (c) vs Essa Rios (yes, really)
Jeff Hardy vs Billy Kidman
Haku vs Shawn Stasiak
Taka Michinoku vs Gregory Helms

Enjoy the last gasp of WCW on syndicated television before the Survivor Series would take place killing off the WCW name in November of 2001.

For more videos, visit my YouTube channel for action from all your favorite WCW B-Shows spanning from 1985 – 2001.

Previous articleHow Shawn Stasiak Killed WCW’s WrestleMania Moment [2001]
Next articleTwenty Years Ago This Week: WCW Plans Ahead . . . Too Far Ahead [Worldwide – April 13th, 1996]



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