2K’s WWE 2K24 has been out since March 2024, and these jokers are just now getting around to releasing the eagerly anticipated WCW Pack DLC.
The DLC includes Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), “The Total Package” Lex Luger, Mr. Perfect (Curt Hennig to us WCW faithful), The Iron Sheik (who incidentally lived in my hometown), and The Great Muta. In addition to this list of talent, we’re also getting a WCW Fall Brawl: War Games Arena.
This is one of the packs that me and my son have most looked forward to, and I hate that it’s the final pack being released.
Lex Luger returning to the series is a highlight. It’s somewhat odd they chose to go with his latter-day heel persona “The Total Package” instead of his more well-known gimmick during the Nitro Era, but I’m glad we are getting a ponytail Luger out of the deal.
By the way, I had to look that up because I could not recall what that final heel run gimmick was called and I had no recollection it was the same as his previous nickname “The Total Package,” but that it replaced Lex Luger altogether.
Anyhow, The Great Muta is the most intriguing addition as he’s the kind of talent whose look totally lends itself to a video game. He’s also someone that I would have never dreamt they’d put in the game. Muta was also an absolute phenom when he came to WCW in 1989. 11 – 12 year old me had never seen anything so cool as Muta.
As for the rest, DDP being in the game is always nice and they did rework his model. I’m hoping he doesn’t scale as tall as he used to because some guys like him come off as even taller than they really are in the game and it’s distracting.
Curt Hennig is a guy who should always be in the game since he’s one of those 1980s/1990s WWE wrestlers that folks tend to remember.
It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve had The Iron Sheik in the game, and while he did spend some time in WCW he doesn’t feel like a WCW talent to me in that regard.
I’d hazard a guess that’s why he’s not in the video package for the WCW Pack.
I’m looking forward to firing up the PS5 tonight to play as these guys, and see what the Fall Brawl arena is about as well.
If you play, let me know in the comments what you think. I’d love to hear from everyone.

40+ years old and grew up on Saturdays at 6:05 on TBS and Joe Pedicino’s wrestling block in Atlanta, Georgia. Collects toys and talks all types of pop culture in a variety of places. Husband and father of 2.
They couldn’t be bothered to put DDP’s vinyl gear on there… AGAIN. And why is The Iron Shiek part of the pack? Was he ever in WCW?
Briefly !
I had no idea!
he got paid for an extra year because they forgot to cancel his contract ! 😀 legendary status.
Is that supposed to be DDP?