After listening to this week’s The Match Beyond podcast where both Kurt Zamora and WrestleCrap’s RD Reynolds talked up my site, I figured I’d put up something catering directly to them — an old WCW merch catalog!
Seems like RD specifically pointed out how much he loves these, so here you go. The interesting thing about this particular catalog is how it showcases where WCW was right before Hulk Hogan was signed to the promotion. There are no Hulk Hogan foam fingers, no Jimmy Hart megaphones, no Hulkster shirts; plenty of Stinger wear available though.
Nowadays, it’s rare to come across any of these items from 1994 online, but I have no doubt that most of these items were produced. I’ve seen a person desperately trying to resell his used (eww) Missy Hyatt calendar for hundreds of dollars, one of the WCW snapback caps is currently on eBay right now for $49.99, and I actually own this shirt myself:

But the real gold is right there on the cover of the catalog. Sure, the $500 Sting leather jacket with the raspberry scorpion imprint is cool and all, but that Nuon clock is absolutely tremendous. I’ve NEVER come across this anywhere online as it seems to be one of those products that just doesn’t exist beyond 1994. Nuon clocks themselves all seem to be relics of the late 80’s, early 90’s and seem to be rarities altogether if the limited number on eBay signify anything.
I did manage to get a match for a “Sting neon clock” but ended up sadly disappointed when I clicked on the listing.

If anybody out there has ANY proof of this Sting Nuon Clock, please send over the pics. I’d love to get a confirmation of this thing’s existence. Also, feel free to get in contact with me if you’re willing to sell me that Missy Hyatt calendar for a REASONABLE PRICE. You know… for scanning and posterity reasons.
Full catalog available below:

40-year-old World Championship Wrestling fanatic/collector/hoarder. Safety officer by day, scanner of wrestling magazine by night.
He’s got posters on the wall, his favorite rock group’s KISS.
[…] Magazine Quickie: Official WCW Merch Catalog [Spring 1994] […]