Everyone knows the story of World Championship Wrestling’s demise. The image of Vince McMahon on the final Nitro has been burned into the psyches of millions of lamenting WCW fans, but it’s not the entire story. It’s not even the entirety of McMahon on WCW television.
It’s a tale of cooperation and competition, of partnerships and parting of ways, of a self-made media mogul and a guy that managed a Pizza Hut. It’s the origin of World Championship Wrestling.
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Lifelong WCW apologist. Didn’t watch wrestling for 10 years after the final episode of Nitro. Alex Wright once sent him a message saying, “Thank you very much.” Probably wrote all of his articles while at work.
“WHY JIM HERD?” is still something a lot of former WCW wrestlers scream in their sleep.
Jim Heard was a good Manager, his strength was in delegating responsibility to others, in that respect he did a good job. He put wrestling people in charge of storylines and other, what more did you or they want from him?
1. To not be completely oblivious to the industry he is controlling.
2. To not push talent away from the promotion.
3. To not propose some of the dumbest characters in history.
4. To not pick fights with everyone trying to show he was an alpha, when he didn’t know anything about the industry.
5. To know something about the industry.
6. To understand what wrestling fans wanted, on some level.
7. To understand what his employees needed to succeed, on some level.
8. To not force out their number one guy Ric Flair, who has ESPN documentaries done about him right now.
9. To not destroy booking committees over petty jealousy.
10. To not be one of the biggest jokes to ever happen in wrestling history.