The “death-defying” stunt between Hulk and The Giant was so far off into the realm of silliness that the match is its own spectacle and fully deserving of any and all praise/jeers/discussions of it until the end of time. Such a thing had never been done in wrestling before, but the mere fact that it actually happened and broadcasted out live on PPV is so astonishing to me as there should have been numerous people within WCW and Turner in place to keep this from ever happening. To be honest, there probably were several highly-paid individuals who could’ve scrapped this monstrosity at any moment, and yet… there it is above you in GIF form.
You can’t bring up Halloween Havoc 1995 without bringing up the classic WrestleCrap-inducted seven-foot Dungeon of Doom monster, The Yeti. The character was briefly introduced a couple of days before the PPV encased in a block of ice but Halloween Havoc was his official in-ring debut as he and The Giant trapped Hogan in a dreaded double… um… bear-hug (?) near the end of the PPV:
The Halloween Havoc 1995 card in its entirety:
- WCW World Television Champion Diamond Dallas Page (with the Diamond Doll and Max Muscle) vs Johnny B. Badd
- Macho Man Randy Savage vs The Zodiac
- Kurasawa (with Col. Robert Parker) vs Road Warrior Hawk
- Sabu (!!!) (with The Sheik) vs Mr. JL (Jerry Lynn)
- Meng vs Lex Luger
- Sting and Ric Flair vs Brian Pillman and Arn Anderson
- Hulk Hogan vs The Giant in a Sumo Monster truck match
- Macho Man Randy Savage vs Lex Luger
- WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan (with Jimmy Hart) vs The Giant (with The Taskmaster)
40-year-old World Championship Wrestling fanatic/collector/hoarder. Safety officer by day, scanner of wrestling magazine by night.
He’s got posters on the wall, his favorite rock group’s KISS.