Since 2013, WCW Worldwide has been a hobby of mine. Originally, I started out on Tumblr as a photo site that set out to talk about World Championship Wrestling and just explore that fandom a bit by scanning in old magazines. Eventually, I’d come to realize that I could do more than just bite-sized posts on a crappy blogging platform (seriously, Tumblr is god-awful) and moved to WordPress while setting up new goals for the site to achieve.
Random photos and WCW memorabilia were fine, but I knew that eventually I’d have to find a way to become a full WCW archive of sorts. I knew that offering digital downloads of WCW Magazines was the ultimate end goal of the site, something that could very easily be done IF I actually hunkered down and devoted my time to this task 100%.
That’s where I’m at now. This Patreon will be used to not only make the site better but to help with creating a full WCW Magazine Archive for people to sort through. The $$$ will be used to upgrade my WordPress site, increase my Google Drive space to host my uploads and to make things better all over for WCW Worldwide.
I am a so-so writer guy, but I know talented people that I want to pay to write for me.
I am a horrendous artist, but I know incredible people that I’d like to pay to create for me.
I’m a slow scanner-man, but I have great people who I’d love to pay that have already volunteered to help me.
I’ve accumulated over 90% of the WCW Magazine catalog, but with your help, I can get to that 100%. I still have some foreign programs missing that I can scan for the site. There’s still that small run of WCW Magazines that were released in Germany I still need to get too. There’s even WCW music albums (official and unofficial) that I’ve got on my list to track down and upload as well.

For your pledges, you will have four different reward tiers sorted out through various levels of BUFFness. Even pledging $1 will get you in on all of the Patreon-exclusive posts, which will mostly be direct downloads of items I’ve uploaded to my Google Drive BEFORE they end up being added to the DOWNLOADS! page. As soon as they’re uploaded, you’ll get the notification. Every other level will include this along with a different WCW Prize Pack or a WCW Worldwide Gimmick Box, depending on how BUFF you are.
I’m not looking to completely cash out here with Patreon and quit my day job (I get good benefits with the State, y’all), I just need extra help to get this project where I know it could be at — a site that every WCW fan is aware of and can relive their childhood, younger memories through.
Let’s Make WCW Great Again!â„¢
-Bryan Barrera
WCWworldwide.com Guy

40-year-old World Championship Wrestling fanatic/collector/hoarder. Safety officer by day, scanner of wrestling magazine by night.
He’s got posters on the wall, his favorite rock group’s KISS.
Is there a link for the Patreon or not yet?
Try the link again, the photo should have a caption that encourages you to click through.
Was my bad, update the post but didn’t click save, I think.
I know they are surprises… but can you give a rough description of what’s in the prize packs?
Keep an eye on the Patreon page, I’ll have the prize pack updates on there soon enough. Closer to the end of the month before anyone actually gets charged.
Unfortunately I’m one of those sad cases where I’ve never been well enough to work and have been denied disability, so I can’t justify spending any money like this… but I want you to know that of all forms of entertainment I enjoy, your site is the one I want to donate to the MOST. I am happy to say I’ve been figuring out my health issues on my own during the past couple of years, so I will be back to properly support the site once it makes sense for me to do so financially.
Do not fret about that, I understand that there’s other things that are more important in people’s lives. I appreciate the thought, just know that content will still all be free. I’m not going to hold back anything from those who’ve been fans now for years.
Focus more on getting by and staying afloat. In fact, I’ll be having another WCW album to download this month along with a WCW Magazine ft. The Ultimate Warrior, so you’ll have a couple of things to look forward to.
love the site and am about to support you on patreon! Over time will you upload magazines from 1995 – 2001?
Yes! There’s one from 1998 that’ll be up next week with Warrior on the front cover.