Got a short read for you today, scanned in the entirety of the first issue of NWA Wrestling Wrap-Up. The National Wrestling Alliance had an official NWA Wrestling Magazine earlier in the 80’s, but this particular publication would be what would eventually morph into WCW Magazine in late 1991.

The format is rather large compared to the standard magazines I’ve scanned in at this point, so it might be easier for you to download it to be able to read all of the smaller text. All magazine scans are uploaded when they’re ready first thing on Monday mornings, I’ll be holding a poll over on the WCW Worldwide Twitter here soon to choose which magazine I’ll be scanning in next. This NWA Wrestling Wrap-Up #1 almost had a three way tie with a WCW Magazine from 1996 and 1998! I’m expecting something from the Monday Night War to win the next time around, but who knows…
Download NWA Wrestling Wrap-Up#1
ZIP File | CBR File

40-year-old World Championship Wrestling fanatic/collector/hoarder. Safety officer by day, scanner of wrestling magazine by night.
He’s got posters on the wall, his favorite rock group’s KISS.
Sting and Lugar both never got the amount of World Title runs they deserved. Sting during the period 87-92 was World Champion only 2 times and Lugar once, granted both held U.S. titles and Tv Titles in that time period but still…
1989 was the best year of the 80s/early 90s era. WCW was only a national promotion by definition. It was still ran like a big territoy. That’s 1 reason why there was usually a heel champ.