Wreducation: Mike Awesome in WCW
It’s time to learn all about the Career-Killing, Fat-Chick-Thrilling, 70s-Guy-Being greatness that was Mike Awesome in WCW.
Someone got a green screen and kiiiiind of knows...
What Is So Stunning About Stunning Steve – The Best of Steve Austin Playlist
What Is So Stunning About Stunning Steve - The Best of Steve Austin Playlist
(EDIT - Apparently, I cannot embed links to YouTube playlists, so...
The Most Haunting Moments from Halloween Havoc
Have more haunting moments from Halloween Havoc you want to discuss? Get at Andrew on his Turning Heel site or bug him over on...
Wreducation: The WCW Cruiserweight Tag-Team Championship
I've decided to make things even harder for myself and enter into the ruthless arena of YouTube Wrestling Commentaries.
What this is: The goal of this...
WCW Last Match: Bret “The Hitman” Hart [January 10th, 2000]
On December 19th, 1999, Bret "The Hitman" Hart suffered multiple concussions in his match against Bill Goldberg at the WCW Starrcade PPV. An errant...
Behold! The Formation of the Blue Bloods [Spring 1995]
When WCW 1995 is brought up, it causes even the most staunch Turner wrestling fan to recoil. Sure that was the year that brought...
YouTube Update: WCW Main Event 1994 Plus Other Weekend Show Notes
After a long hiatus, over 200 videos have been posted to my YouTube channel throughout the last several days. Matches from UWF 1986 -...
This Day in WCW History: KISS Perform on Nitro, Debut The Demon [1999]
"The Hottest Band in the World" meets World Championship Wrestling. An easy slam-dunk with WCW being in Las Vegas for WCW Monday Nitro, people...
YouTube Update: Good Ol Fashioned Professional Rasslin presented by Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling [1982]
Back in March, I posted a YouTube Update highlighting the hundreds of mid 1980s matches from NWA Worldwide / Pro I had available. At...
This Month in WCW History: Hulk Hogan Signs with WCW [1994]
Throughout the decades, the NWA / WCW has left quite the legacy of unforgettable moments. Ric Flair winning the NWA Championship at Starrcade 1983,...