Behold! The Formation of the Blue Bloods [Spring 1995]
When WCW 1995 is brought up, it causes even the most staunch Turner wrestling fan to recoil. Sure that was the year that brought...
Vampiro vs Ric Flair – WCW Thunder [February 23rd, 2000]
The first and only meeting between the two wrestlers in a singles match, leading towards the Yappapi Strap Match between Flair and Hogan at...
Mulkey Mania Running Wild on WWF SuperStars [January 5th, 1991]
Ever since the beginning of time (seemingly), Vince McMahon has caught much flack for taking everyone’s favorite NWA / WCW stars and giving them...
Twenty Years Ago This Week: WCW Plans Ahead . . . Too Far Ahead...
For years, one of the hallmarks of WCW Monday Nitro was how they handled Raw's taped shows. Week after week, Eric Bischoff mocked the...
What Is So Stunning About Stunning Steve – The Best of Steve Austin Playlist
What Is So Stunning About Stunning Steve - The Best of Steve Austin Playlist
(EDIT - Apparently, I cannot embed links to YouTube playlists, so...
YouTube Update: Good Ol Fashioned Professional Rasslin presented by Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling [1982]
Back in March, I posted a YouTube Update highlighting the hundreds of mid 1980s matches from NWA Worldwide / Pro I had available. At...
Lex Luger Reacts To His Greatest Moments
Lex Luger looks back at his storied career.
This Week in WCW History: The Marquis of Queensbury Cup – Ric Flair vs...
Marquis of Queensbury Cup - Ric Flair vs Lord Steven Regal - Playlist
Sometimes, it's easy for us as fans to guffaw at some of...
This Month in WCW History: Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage Go Undercover [1995]
In previous articles, we have mocked WCW for having future plans backfire when taping their WCW Worldwide shows too many weeks in advance. As...
The Most Haunting Moments from Halloween Havoc
Have more haunting moments from Halloween Havoc you want to discuss? Get at Andrew on his Turning Heel site or bug him over on...