WCW eBay Find of the Day: Thailand Wrestling Magazine [1993]
A very weird find on eBay, especially since...
This Week in WCW History: The Marquis of Queensbury Cup – Ric Flair vs...
Marquis of Queensbury Cup - Ric Flair vs Lord Steven Regal - Playlist
Sometimes, it's easy for us as fans to guffaw at some of...
This Week in WCW History: WCW Starts a United States Championship Tournament [1995]
I think it's safe to say that most wrestling fans love a good tournament. With the WWF's King of the Ring pay per view...
Photos: My WrestleMania Experience and Shots of WCW Gear from Axxess
I've been real reluctant to sit down and write out my experiences from WrestleMania. Attending the show live was amazing but due to being...
An Ode To Vader
In the two and a half years I've been doing the Wrestling 20 Years Ago Podcast, has there been a better, more consistent act...
Podcast: Wrestling 20 Years Ago – February 1996 (with Bob, Kieran and Myself)
Once again, Bob Bamber from the Wrestling 20 Years Ago project invited me to sit in with him to discuss the WCW events that...
Celebrate 3:16 Day With a Vintage Stunning Steve Austin Match
As many of you know, today is Austin 3:16 day. Searching through my archive, I didn’t have any Stunning Steve Austin matches that took...
The Monster Meng Wakes Up the Disney MGM Crowd on Worldwide [March 11th, 1995]
As someone who didn’t have cable until just prior to Nitro starting, it’s safe to say that Worldwide was my favorite WCW show growing...
Latest WWE 2K16 DLC Pack is FULL of WCW Goodness!
Late last month, 2K released a DLC pack highlighting all of the 2015 inductions into the WWE Hall of Fame, and I completely missed...
#55 – 79 Championship Marketing WCW Trading Cards [1991]
An interesting batch of cards this time around, very cool to see the various awesome shots of Ric Flair and El Gigante. The 7'7"...