Home Monday Night War

Monday Night War

The actual last golden era of professional wrestling where the nWo run roughshod over World Championship Wrestling. The Wolfpac, Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page, and Sting rappelling from the rafters!

Weird Merch: WCW Halloween Costumes

In 1999, World Championship Wrestling paired up with a company called Paper Magic to help them deliver some WCW Halloween costume merch to a...

An Ode To Vader

In the two and a half years I've been doing the Wrestling 20 Years Ago Podcast, has there been a better, more consistent act...

Photos: My WrestleMania Experience and Shots of WCW Gear from Axxess

I've been real reluctant to sit down and write out my experiences from WrestleMania. Attending the show live was amazing but due to being...

#2 – 9 Topps WCW/nWo Nitro Trading Cards [1999]

Released in late 1998/early 1999, this set captures the most popular World Championship Wrestling timeframe within the Monday Night War. Sure WCW had already started...

WCW Starrcade ’97 20th Anniversary Retrospective: Sting vs Hogan [December 28th, 1997]

May 27, 1996. The day professional wrestling and sports entertainment changed forever. In the middle of a normal broadcast of WCW Monday Nitro, during a...

WCW eBay Find of the Day: The West Texas Rednecks Promotional CD Single [1999]

1999 WCW WRESTLING CD: RAP IS CRAP; CURT HENNIG, WEST TEXAS REDNECKS, MASTER P STARTING BID - $49.95 A real, rare piece of wrestling memorabilia up...

WCW eBay Find of the Day: David Penzer’s Secret Stash!

David Penzer has seen a lot of things throughout his thirty years in and around the wrestling business. Not only has he been there...

Full Magazine Scans: WCW Magazine #24 [1997]

"COME BACK STING WCW NEEDS YOU" Fantastic cover, taken during the time when Sting was nothing more than a silent observer during the nWo takeover...

Pay-Per-Viewsary: Uncensored 1999

Uncensored was WCW's annual offering of matches that were so insane, so brutal, so unfit for human consumption that the executive committee refused to...

Full Magazine Scans: WCW Magazine #43 [October 1998]

Another huge magazine scan this week, this one from late 1998 right in between Goldberg winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and the Ultimate...